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Portable Stainless Steel Folding Grill Basket BBQ Grill Basket With Handle for Fish Vegetables Shrimp Cook Accessories Outdoor

Portable Stainless Steel Folding Grill Basket BBQ Grill Basket With Handle for Fish Vegetables Shrimp Cook Accessories Outdoor

Regular price $22.39 USD
Regular price $72.39 USD Sale price $22.39 USD
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Brand Name: NoEnName_Null

Origin: Mainland China

CN: Guangdong

Hign-concerned Chemical: None

Tool Type: Tool Sets

Type: Tools

Choice: yes

From the brand


Product Description



Easy for you to handle, flip, and carry around on your grilling and camping trips. Made light yet sturdy enough to take the heat.


Our basket is made with high-quality Stainless steel so it won't rust or corrode even when wet or moist from your delicious meat juices.

Dishwasher Safe

We made our grill basket easy to clean and maintain, just stick it in the dishwasher after use and it's ready to go for another round of grilling.

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